Game Mas8 cockfight is very popular, but scarcely a month passes without the news manifesting details of a major internet gambling site.
The first, you have to create a new player by clicking "Create a new 3D Virtual GameCock" above. The formality will than ask you for five items, consisting of a name and password. Make the name short and simple, because you'll have to type it in each time you play. Make sure to remember your password too!
Your "battle cry" is what your archenemies will see when you fight them. It can be changed at every time during the game. Next time, elect a picture to deputize your GameCock and click "create."
Your stats
After enrolling the game you will see your statistics. Your strength and agility help you in battle. The higher is the better! If you buy or find weapons and armor, they will be shown as plus number. Again one time, higher is better. Money is the plenty of money you have, which you could spend in the "shop." Experience is a measurement of how good your Game Online Cockfghting is. Battle cry is what you yell to your opponents in battle. The news chump will be blank at first, but if anyone attacks you, it will be indicated in there. You can click the "clear" button to know your news.
Fighting other players and There Game online Mas8 cockfight
When you click the "fight" button you will be indicated two lists of roosters and The GameCocks. The left list indicates 25 roosters and GameCocks that are close to your experience level. The right list indicates the 10 best players and There Game Online Cockfighting. You'll want to counteract people close to your level, unless you're suicidal. Click the fight button to the right of a name to counteract. You can also type in the name of all player to fight.
When you are counteracting someone, your strength, weapon and a little luck is contrasted with your opponent's dexterity and armor. Whoever is better may be win the fight. If you win, you'll pick some of the opponent's gold of he had any. You may be also find armor or weapons.
You will also gain some of your antagonist's experience. If the total you gain is high enough, your strength or dexterity will rise. If you counteract low level players, your experience will rise slowly, you'll never gain stats. This is why you should counteract players slightly better than you are.
Items and money
You can buy items by clicking the "shop" button. Inside there you'll see a list of weapons and armor you can buy.
The chicken coop is a special item and if you own one, there is a opportnity that an attacker will be not able to get inside the coop.
You can market your weapon, armor, and other items by clicking the "sell" button next to them in your stats page. You can also assign money to other players from the stats page. Just fill how much you want to give, and who to provide it to.